On October 22 at 4 pm EDT, the Wilson Ornithological Society and the Association of Field Ornithologists will be hosting the first of a series of quarterly virtual events for grad students and early professionals members of either society. The inaugural event, a panel discussion on “Careers in Ornithology and Avian Conservation Outside the Academy” moderated by WOS 2nd Vice President Auriel Fournier, will include discussion from the panelists on what their jobs in ornithology and avian conservation look like, what they find rewarding, and what skill sets they use. There will also be time for questions so everyone can learn more about these career paths.

- Jennie Duberstein, WOS Council / Sonoran Joint Venture
- Andrew Cox, Wilson Journal of Ornithology Associate Editor / Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission
- Sarah Sargent, AFO Council / Erie Bird Observatory
- Dave Cerasale, AFO Council / WestLand Resources Inc.
- Yula Kapetanakos, AFO Council / U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Rob Aldredge, AFO Council / U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Scott Stoleson, AFO Council / U.S. Forest Service