The flagship publication of AFO is the Journal of Field Ornithology, which publishes original articles that emphasize the descriptive or experimental study of birds in their natural habitats. Articles depicting general techniques, emphasizing conservation, describing life history, or assessing published studies or existing ideas are appropriate. The journal publishes studies from throughout the world, which may include banded birds or populations. We actively encourage submissions from nonprofessional ornithologists and from ornithologists from groups underrepresented in the sciences. Over the last decade, the Journal of Field Ornithology has consistently ranked in the top ten for impact factor among ornithological journals. As an online, open-access journal, we offer rapid progression through the peer-review process and early views on our website after acceptance.
To ensure that our open-access model is accessible by as many researchers as possible, AFO has taken the following steps: (1) partnering with a vibrant non-profit to keep costs low, (2) having one of the lowest article processing charge of any organismal biology journal, and (3) developing a progressive waiver policy that provides coverage to more countries than most journals and allows for partial waivers across a wide range of US-based categories. AFO views these steps as a pilot and will be vigilant to the impacts and be ready to adjust as needed to ensure publication in JFO is available to the entire ornithological community.
In addition to moving our journal to open access, we are now publishing book reviews here on our website, so they are easily accessible to the community.
The AFO Communications Committee also delivers our newsletter, AFO Afield, via email multiple times per year.