Each year, at our annual conference, we announce the Best Student Presentation Awards. These awards seek to recognize outstanding oral and poster presentations. Students at every level are eligible for these awards.
The level of research presented this past August at our AFO-SCO-WOS joint meeting was so high, we had a hard time choosing the winners. But we managed to do it!
Congratulations, Rebecca and Emily! They both received a 1-year membership to AFO, and a $200 gift card to Avinet.
Best Student Poster
Rebecca Davis
(Texa A&M University-Corpus Christi)
“What Birds Tell Us: Monitoring Birds in Cacao Agroforests of Western Ecuador using Bioacoustics“

Best Student Presentation
Emily MacDonald
(University of Windsor)
“Sitting ducks: The vulnerability of nesting eiders to thermal stress in a warming Arctic“

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