The Ornithological Council’s mission is to:
- Ensure that the best ornithological science is incorporated into legislative, regulatory, and management decisions that affect birds;
- Enhance the ability of ornithologists to pursue professional activities; and
- Promote the influence of ornithology in public affairs.
Over the last two months, Ornithological Council staff:
1. Met with the Chief of the USGS Bird Banding Lab, in a quarterly meeting to discuss issues of mutual interest.
2. Corresponded several times with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lead on purposeful take policy and liaison to the regional migratory bird permit offices, regarding the recent changes to Migratory Bird Treaty Act permits.
3. Announced the development of the 5th edition of the Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research. We’re still accepting volunteers for chapter authors and peer reviewers (contact Laura Bies at Graduate students and early career professionals are encouraged to volunteer. If you know of a recent methods paper relevant to a topic covered in the Guidelines, please submit the citation to Laura Bies ( Also submit papers that are not method papers per se but assess the impact of the study methods.
4. Continued work on a template field study policy for IACUCs to adopt. In response to many inquiries about compliance with the Annual Welfare Act, especially regarding field work, in light of the new regulations regarding birds, the OC is developing a sample policy regarding field studies under the AWA that institutions can use to develop and enact their own policies.
5. Provided direct individual assistance to ornithologists who belong to OC societies regarding the permits necessary to complete their research. During January and February, we assisted four individuals with permit issues.
6. Posted articles and updates on the Ornithology Exchange regarding:
- NEPA regulations rescinded
- Administration begins filling key natural resource positions
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act decisions to be reconsidered
- NABCI Now Accepting Applications for STORK Grants
- Call for volunteers: New edition of the Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issues updates to MBTA permits and authorizations
- Time to get your permit for the upcoming field season!
- Bald Eagle officially made national bird of the US
Our work focuses on animal welfare issues, permits, research funding, and other policies that affect ornithologists and ornithological societies – and we greatly appreciate your support! All these updates, and more, are always available on the ‘News From the OC’ forum on Ornithological Exchange.
Each time OC posts in the News from the OC forum, the link is sent to the OC society representatives to share with their networks. If your society would like these emails sent directly, or if you have with questions or concerns about this report or about any other matter of concern to your society or your society’s members, please contact Laura Bies.
Laura Bies
Executive Director
Ornithological Council