The Skutch Research Grant is a new opportunity for researchers based in Latin America that replaces the Bergstrom Grant for Latin American researchers.
This grant is supported by a bequest from Dr. Alexander Skutch, who over a period of more than six decades, made extensive contributions to our knowledge of Neotropical ornithology.
Typically five grants of up to $1500 USD each are awarded annually
Skutch Research Grants are intended to promote question-driven research and other projects that add to our knowledge of the natural history, ecology, and/or conservation of birds that are living under natural conditions in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
For detailed information on the types of research that the Skutch Research Grants fund, including allowable methodology, individuals should review the AFO Research Guidelines before considering an application.
Only individuals based in one of the four geographic areas indicated above are eligible for grants (individuals based in the U.S. and Canada should consider applying for a Bergstrom Grant).
Undergraduate and graduate students (including both M.S. and Ph.D. candidates) are eligible for funding, as are post-doctoral fellows and individuals working outside of academia.
The applicant and/or their research supervisor (in the case of students and post-doctoral fellows) must be a member of the Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) at the time of application. To become a member, please visit https://afo.wildapricot.org/join-us.
For information on what types of research that Skutch Research Grants can fund, including allowable methodology, please see the AFO Research Guidelines before considering an application.
Reporting and Dissemination of Results
Awardees will be asked to provide a brief report describing the results of their project and how these results have been disseminated (e.g., meeting presentations, reports, and/or publications online or in scientific journals). In addition, the AFO would like to receive images and brief videos of the research in progress for promotion of the grant on social media (awardees will be contacted about this).
Awardees are encouraged to present the results of their work at an annual conference of the AFO or a joint meeting in which the AFO is participating (e.g., the Ornithological Congress of the Americas). Some additional funding may be available to support grantee travel to the conference.
Awardees are also strongly encouraged to consider publishing at least some of their findings in AFO’s Journal of Field Ornithology. Supplemental funding likely will be available to cover some or all publishing costs.
Research Supplies
Awardees may wish to consider using some of their funding to purchase mist nets and other supplies used in ornithological research from the AFO. A list of supplies available can be found at Avinet Research Supplies.
The application deadline is June 15, 2025
Please direct all questions to Cecilia Kopuchian (ckopuchian@gmail.com).
Please note, the AFO Grants Programs were restructured in 2024. The mid-year round of the Bergstrom Grant was previously available to researchers based in Latin America. That funding opportunity has been moved to a this new program, the Skutch Research Grants, which offer the same level of funding.