In addition to our virtual and in-person events, a wide range of resources are available to AFO members. Here you will find links to partner organizations and programs and additional information for students and early-career professionals. Of course, if you have ideas about additional ways AFO can serve our community, please contact us.

Ornithological Council
Your membership to AFO helps support the Ornithological Council (OC). The OC seeks to: ensure that the best ornithological science is incorporated into legislative, regulatory, and management decisions that affect birds; enhance the ability of ornithologists to pursue professional activities; and promote the influence of ornithology in public affairs. They provide resources and support for ornithologists, including The Guidelines for the Use of Wild Birds in Research. As a member of AFO, you have access to assistance with animal care & field research permits from the Ornithological Council.
North American Banding Council
The North American Banding Council (NABC), is a nonprofit group encompassing bird research organizations whose members use bird banding as a tool in ornithological research, conservation, and management. The mission of the NABC is to promote sound and ethical bird-banding practices and techniques. To accomplish this, the NABC has developed educational and training materials, including manuals on general banding techniques as well as techniques manuals for specialized taxonomic groups accompanied by a three-level certification process (Assistant, Bander, and Trainer).
Ornithology Exchange
The Ornithology Exchange (OE) is an online community of individuals and organizations interested in ornithology, the scientific study of birds. Their mission is to advance the field of ornithology by facilitating the timely sharing and discussion of information about basic and applied research, teaching, conservation, and the workings of the professional societies devoted to these activities.
Resources for students and early-career professionals
Guide for Neotropical ornithologists and conservationists seeking advanced degrees at universities in the United States
This document is designed to help potential applicants not, especially those interested in conservation aspects of tropical biology, in their pursuit of such a degree.
Additional resources for getting into graduate school and finding a job in Ornithology
- The Wilson Ornithological Society Guide to Graduate Programs in Ornithology
- AFO Café: Demystifying Grad School: how to find, apply to, and get in to grad school
- Ornithology Exchange Job Board
Annual meetings
Attending professional meetings is a great way to not only share your research and learn more about ongoing research, but also meet other professionals in your field. Present your research in a friendly atmosphere, meet potential advisors and fellow students, and compete for a student presentation award! AFO also offers a number of travel awards to help students and early-career professionals attend.
Grants and awards
AFO offers a number of grants and awards to support your research and travel to the annual meetings.