We are proud to present the winners of the Bergstrom Grants 2024!
Did you know? The Association of Field Ornithologists has a fellowship program aimed at supporting field researchers at all stages of their careers, including non-professional ornithologists.
Recently, AFO undertook a reorganization of its fellowship program. A mid-year round of the Bergstrom Grants was previously available for Latin American applicants. Latin Americans now have to apply for a Skutch Research Grant —different category, same benefits!
The recipients of this year’s Bergstrom Grants are:
Sam Fishman
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond VA
Measures of habitat quality associated with native and non-native shrub cover for two declining warblers in Appalachian Shrublands

Megan Miller
Colorado State University-Pueblo,
Pueblo CO
Evaluating drought and pollution-induced oxidative stress across diet groups during migration

Sarah Scott
Boise State University,
Boise ID
Diversity, trends and effects of haemosporidian parasites in a partial migrant population of American Kestrels

Emilia Roberts
George Mason University,
Fairfax VA
Beating the heat: The potential role of microclimate refugia in buffering Amazonian
birds from climate change

Brian Hofstetter
Cornell University,
Ithaca NY
Paternity as a driver of post-fledging brood division and male parental effort in the
socially monogamous Black-throated Blue Warbler

Vanessa Merritt
Rare Inc.,
Arlington VA
Key shade tree species that support local bird communities in central Colombian
cacao agroforestry systems

Congratulations, everyone! We wish you the best with your research, and invite you to publish in the Journal of Field Ornithology when you are finished!
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