We have just closed off an exciting year, full of activities and achievements. None of this would have been possible without the continuous support of our members, for which we are beyond grateful!
Take a look at our year in numbers. Let’s celebrate everything we accomplished in 2024!
This year we organized our annual meeting with two sister societies, the Wilson Ornithological Society and the Society for Canadian Ornithologists. It was held in Peoria, Illinois, between July 29th and August 1st, and was a success. You can read a full recap of the event here.

Journal of Field Ornithology
Our journal was busy this year with the call and selection of a new co-EIC, Dr. Rafael Rueda Hernandez, who replaced the late Reed Bowman in his role. Besides continuing to publish great avian research, this year we started “JFO Education”, a series of posts and articles where we aim to bring little-discussed publication-related issues to light and find solutions together with the research community:

AFO grants and awards
This year our Grants Program was reorganized and expanded to make more funds available to researchers. In consequence, the past Bergstrom Grants for Latin Americans are now the Skutch Research Grants (different name, but same benefits!).
All our 2024 calls were competitive and we are glad to share how many people and projects we’ve been able to support this past year. Check out the recipients of each grant and award on the following links:
- Bergstrom Grants 2024
- Skutch Research Grants 2024
- Skutch Keystone Grant 2024
- Student Presentation Awards 2024

Research promotion and website
We continued working hand in hand with members and authors published in the JFO who wanted their research featured on our website and social media.
Our YouTube channel and website remain a forum of free, valuable content, from our AFO Cafés (informal conversation about birds) to guest features and amazing book reviews by different authors, all of which you can access and peruse.

These were the top viewed…
Book reviews:
- Aboriginal Peoples and Birds in Australia
- The Last of its Kind: The Search for the Great Auk and the Discovery of Extinction
- Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part I (Second Edition)
Guest blog features: