Between July 29 and August 1, 2024, AFO held its annual meeting jointly with its sister societies, the Wilson Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists in Peoria, Illinois. Nothing like three full days of fabulous research, learning, and camaraderie to unite and strengthen our ornithological community!
Plenaries and talks
Each date began with an exciting plenary talk (given by Drs. Jenn Owen, Matt Fuirst, and Ron Mumme). Throughout the rest of the day, we had simultaneous 15-minute talks. Here is the online program if you want to take a peek.
Among all the students and professionals who presented their research, we highlight the participation of two high school students and one middle school student: Neha Mariya Shafi Ibrahim, Diya Balagopal, and Coralie Rossbach. On Tuesday evening we held the poster session, with over 40 posters presented.
Workshops and special events
The conference had its fair share of professional development workshops (including Battling Burnout in Ornithology, proposed by AFO Council member Allyson Jackson, and a workshop on Safety in the Field, by Field Inclusive) and other special events: a talk, book presentation and signing session by Kenn Kaufman, a dinner social with a storytelling event at the Peoria Riverfront Museum, a six-talk symposium on the Illinois River restoration in Peoria, and, of course, birding excursions every morning. We also held a special get-together and toast at a local pub in honor and remembrance of the late Reed Bowman, a dear friend who left us too soon.
AFO Council and the Journal of Field Ornithology
AFO held a Council Meeting on Monday afternoon, and we had an open Members’ Meeting during lunch on the first day, where we shared who we are and what we do with all attendees. This conference was also a great opportunity for all of us (Council members), who normally meet via Zoom, to catch up, meet in person, and work with a lot more fluidity than when we’re at home.
At the Members’ Meeting we also announced our 2025 annual event, to be held between July 29th and August 1, in Ogden, Utah! We are very excited about this event’s location. Stay tuned for updates on our social media.
The Journal of Field Ornithology also had a special event within the conference. JFO’s co-EIC, Rafael Rueda Hernández, together with Ernesto Ruelas Insunza and Brian Ellis, from the WJO and Illinois Audobon Magazine respectively, held a session titled “Meet the Editors“. They shared valuable information regarding the process of publishing papers in peer-reviewed journals. The event had around 30 attendees, which made for a very interactive session!
Grants and awards
There were no shortages of awards at this meeting! All three associations presented their own. AFO gave its traditional Student Presentation Awards: the awardees this year were Emily MacDonald for Best Student Presentation and Rebecca Davis for Best Student Poster.
As well as the usual Travel Awards, this year all three societies implemented the Caregiver Awards, aimed to facilitate the participation of interested parties by defraying part of the cost of caregiving responsibilities that might otherwise be prohibitive.
Thank you!
We thank our sister societies for organizing this joint meeting, Auriel Fournier for being the local host, all our sponsors who supported us, the Peoria Audobon Society who made sure the field trips went well, each of the plenary speakers, and each of the attendees, presenters and council members for being there.
Until next year!
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