We invite you to join us for the Association of Field Ornithologists’ Annual Meeting in Ogden, UT, July 29-August 1, 2025!
After hosting successful meetings in the eastern US and in South America, we are thrilled to bring AFO back to the western US for the first time in 15 years.
We are planning an exciting and diverse scientific program, highlighting research from professional and avocational ornithologists from across the Americas. This year the Western Bird Banding Society will join our meeting to highlight the importance of bird banding across broader ornithological research. Now in our 103rd year as a society, we hope you will join us in celebrating the valuable natural history and conservation work of our attendees.

Official conference artwork by AFO councilor Natasza Fontaine

Present AFO Councilors at our AFO-SCO-WOS 2024 joint meeting in Peoria, IL
The Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) is one of the world’s major societies of professional and avocational ornithologists dedicated to the scientific study and dissemination of information about birds in their natural habitats.
AFO council is made up of 15 volunteer professionals with careers spanning a variety of ornithological vocations. Our current council members hail from the US, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. AFO publishes the internationally recognized Journal of Field Ornithology and owns Avinet Research Supplies, producing and selling the highest quality avian research supplies anywhere.
This meeting will be held in Ogden, Utah, between July 29th and August 1st, 2025.
The easy accessibility from the Salt Lake City airport, wonderful birding options, great surrounding scenery, and overall rustic and urban vibes have us very excited about this location.
Please visit the tabs below to find all the conference information.
Updates will be posted regularly on our social media as well. Make sure to follow the hashtag #AFOrnithevents.
With local hotspots with up to +150 bird species reported for the summer, and surrounded by mountains, forests, wetlands and only a few steps away from the Salt Lake, Ogden is an unmissable destination for bird lovers.
If you have time and are feeling adventurous, you can explore some of the National Parks and protected areas within driving distance from Ogden (Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Zion, Arches and Canyonlands, among others).
Do we need to say more…?
- Snowy Plover | Mike Knibbs – Getty Images
- Burrowing Owl | Christopher Hall – Getty Images
- Red-necked Phalaope | PanuRuangjian – Getty images
- Red-naped Sapsucker | Devonyu – Getty Images
- Western Grebe | BirdImages – getty Images
- Brewer’s Sparrow | ChuckSchugPhotography – Getty Images
- Violent-green Swallow – BirdImages – Getty Images
- American Avocet | BirdImages – Getty Images
- Wilson’s Phalarope
- Black-chinned Hummingbird | birdImages – Getty Images
- Northern Harrier – Peter Accordino – Getty Images
- Mountain Bluebird – StefonLinton | Getty Images
- Sandhill Crane | JHWilliams – Getty Images
- Northern Pintail | Banu R – Getty Images
- Sora | Passion4nature – Getty images
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird | Xiao Zhu – Getty Images

Join us for this celebration of science and ornithology.
We hope to see you there!
July 29 – August 1, 2025