The Bergstrom Grants Program was established in honor of E. Alexander Bergstrom (1919-1973), Vice-President of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association (now the Association of Field Ornithologists) and the Editor of Bird-Banding (now the Journal of Field Ornithology) for 21 years.
Typically five grants of up to $1500 USD each are awarded annually
Bergstrom Grants promote question-driven research and other projects that add to our knowledge of the natural history, ecology, and/or conservation of birds living under natural conditions.
For detailed information on the types of research that Bergstrom grants fund, including allowable methodology, individuals should review the AFO Research Guidelines before considering an application.
Students who are Bachelor or Master’s degree candidates are eligible for a Bergstrom Grant, as are individuals outside of academia. Grants are restricted to individuals based in the U.S. and Canada; however, the location of the study/work may be anywhere in the world. Individuals who are based in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America should consider applying for AFO’s Skutch Research Grants and Skutch Keystone Grants.
Bergstrom grants are intended to support smaller, focused projects that can be completed either solely with a Bergstrom grant or with a set of small grants and/or institutional support. Individuals with large government-based research grants, or whose supervisors have such grants, are not eligible for funding.
The applicant and/or their research supervisor (in the case of students) must be a member of the AFO at the time of application. To become a member, please visit https://afo.wildapricot.org/join-us.
In general, applicants can receive only a single grant per project and, in the case of students, one grant per degree.
Reporting and Dissemination of Results
Awardees will be asked to provide a brief report describing the results of their project and how these results have been disseminated (e.g., meeting presentations, reports, and/or publications online or in scientific journals). In addition, the AFO would like to receive images and brief videos of the research in progress for promotion of the grant on social media (awardees will be contacted about this).
Awardees are encouraged to present the results of their work at an annual conference of the AFO or a joint meeting in which the AFO is participating (e.g., the Ornithological Congress of the Americas). Some additional funding may be available to support grantee travel to the conference.
Awardees are also strongly encouraged to consider publishing at least some of their findings in AFO’s Journal of Field Ornithology. Supplemental funding likely will be available to cover some or all publishing costs.
Research Supplies
Awardees may wish to consider using some of their funding to purchase mist nets and other supplies used in ornithological research from the AFO. A list of supplies available can be found at Avinet Research Supplies.
The application deadline is February 10, 2025
Please direct all questions to L. Scott Johnson (sjohnson@towson.edu).
Past grant recipients
- Sam Fishman, Virginia Commonwealth University – Measures of habitat quality associated with native and non-native shrub cover for two declining warblers in Appalachian Shrublands
- Brian Hoffstetter, Cornell University – Paternity as a driver of post-fledging brood division and male parental effort in the socially monogamous Black-throated Blue Warbler
- Vanessa Merritt, Rare, Inc. – Key shade tree species that support local bird communities in central Colombian cacao agroforestry systems
- Megan Miller, Colorado State University Pueblo, Evaluating drought and pollution-induced oxidative stress across diet groups during migration
- Emilia Roberts, George Mason University, Beating the heat: The potential role of microclimate refugia in buffering Amazonian birds from climate change
- Sarah Scott, Boise State University, Diversity, trends and effects of haemosporidian parasites in a partial migrant population of American Kestrels
from North America:
- Haley Haradon, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign – Survival and habitat use of adult and juvenile Kirtland’s Warblers during the breeding and post-breeding periods
- Claire Jones, Villanova University – How do chickadees communicate about the presence and absence of food?
- Tabitha Olsen, University of Central Oklahoma – A comparison of rope-drags and thermal imaging for winter Yellow Rail capture success
- Brooke Poplin, University of North Texas, Sociality and cooperative hunting in Harris’s Hawks in South Texas
- Rebecca Ralston, The Ohio State University, Drivers of spring phenology in a Neotropical migratory songbird
- Victoria Simons, Colorado State University, The influence of atmospheric conditions on airspace usage by aerial insectivores
from Latin America:
- Mirna Elvira Canio, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro – Análisis de la diferenciación genómica, fenotípica y comportamental de aves patagónicas a diferentes escalas espaciotemporales
- Juan Francisco Cataudela, Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. UNNE- CONICET – Ecología y biología reproductiva de especies amenazadas y endémicas de Pastizal en el Parque Nacional Iberá (PNI): Evaluación de la reintroducción de un depredador tope como estrategía de conservación
- Pablo Andrés Fracas, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” – CONICET – Estudio del canto en una zona de contacto entre linajes divergentes de la ratona Troglodytes aedon
- Simón Kraemer, Laboratorio de Biología de la Conservación – Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral – Mechanisms of reproductive isolation in the Southern Capuchinos’ Seedeaters
- Luciana López, Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de Zonas Aridas (IADIZA)-CONICET – Evaluación experimental de funcionalidad de las llamadas de alarma en la ratona aperdizada Cistothorus platensis (Orden Passeriformes, Familia Troglodytidae)
from North America:
- Megan Buers, University of British Columbia – Are riparian areas thermal refugia for Western Screech-Owls
- Janelle Chojnacki, California State University, Humboldt – Common Raven behavior and resource use around Western Snowy Plover nesting habitat
- Carol Gause, East Carolina University – Effects of land management on breeding success, dispersal, and population genetics of a threatened freshwater marsh bird, the King Rail
- Garrett Rhyne, Louisiana State University, Determining migratory connectivity in Swainson’s Warblers (Limnothlypis swainsonii)
- Casey Weissburg, Colorado State University–Pueblo, Understanding the effects of trophic interactions on Mountain Plover brood habitat selection & survival
from Latin America:
- Agustín Casale, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales – El rol de las vocalizaciones y la coloración en el proceso de especiación con flujo génico en un grupo de señales complejas (género Spinus)
- Maria de las Nieves Sabio, Universidad de Buenos Aires – Estrategias de inversión parental y beneficios de la cría cooperativa en el Tordo Músico (Agelaioides badius)
- Bruno Riovitti, Universidad de Buenos Aires – Individual behavioral variation and its relationship to reproductive success in male Chilean Swallows (Tachycineta leucopyga)
- Nathália Victória, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Brasil – Revisão taxonômica integrativa do complexo Hylophilus poicilotis (Passeriformes: Vireonidae)
- Jonathan Nochebuena, Asociación Mexicana para la Conservación de las Aves y sus Hábitats – Establecimiento de un programa de anillado a largo plazo para aves migratorias en el Parque Nacional Isla Contoy, México
from North America:
- Seth Finkel, Michigan Technological University – Evaluating micro-level, stand-level, and landscape level influences on display site selection in Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) in the Great Lakes region
- Hans Gonzembach, Florida Atlantic University – Testing the acoustic transmission properties of the Bachman’s Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis)
- Maina Handmaker, University of South Carolina – Understanding Whimbrel use of a critical nocturnal roost during migratory stopover
- Mark Kerstens, Oregon State University – Is Black-Backed Woodpecker habitat selection innate or learned? An investigation of natal dispersal in a fire prone landscape
- Shane McFoy, Villanova University – Assessing hybrid chickadee cognitive impairment and Influence of social networks on cognition
- Brian Tsuru, The Ohio State University – End-of-season ecology and migratory departure timing in the Prothonotary Warbler
from Latin America:
- Cassiana Alves de Aguiar, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – Distribuição, História natural e conservação de papa-moscas ameaçados de extinção: Culicivora caudacuta e Polystictus pectoralis (Tyrannidae)
- María Monserrat Del Caño, Instituto de Biología de Organismos Marinos IBIOMAR – CONICET – Empleo de acelerometría para el estudio de la inversión parental y reducción de nidada en un ave marina dimórfica.
- Matías Alejandro Juhant, Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino (CONICET) – Is there differential migration by age during winter in the three hawks of the genus Geranoaetus?
- Paula Estafania Micheltorena, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales (UNLP), Estado poblacional y de conservación del Pato de los Torrentes (Merganetta armata armata) en Patagonia Andina
- María Paula Rodriguez, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia – Behavior and phenotypic variation in a contact zone of Chlorospingus flavopectus: implications for species delimitation
from North America:
- Margaret Boyle, Villanova University – Does social dominance of Tufted Titmouse asymmetrically impact Black-capped versus Carolina chickadees?
- Jennifer Fuller, University of Michigan – Characterizing Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) Nesting Response to Changing Water Levels and Flooding in the Lake St. Clair, Michigan: A Spatial Approach
- Meredith Heather, Florida Gulf Coast University – Influence of post-fire structural heterogeneity on resource abundance and foraging behavior of the Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)
- Emily Johnson, East Carolina University – Egg variation in King Rails (Rallus elegans) and its potential uses in population monitoring
- Billi Krochuk, University of British Columbia – Using multiple measures of diversity to assess the impact of forest degradation on understory birds in Central Africa
- Stephanie Stanton, Western Michigan University – Geographic Variation in Field Sparrow songs: does urbanization drive population differences?
from Latin America:
- Jazmín Ramirez, Instituto de Ecología A.C. (INECOL) – Dispersión de semillas por el pavón (Oreophasis derbianus), un crácido en peligro de extinción en la Reserva de la Biosfera El Triunfo, Chiapas, México
- Cal Reynold, Foundation for Wildlife Conservation, Runaway Creek Nature Reserve – Monitoring Neotropical Migrant and Resident Birds at Runaway Creek Nature Reserve in Belize
- Stella Beatriz Román, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata – Variaciones espacio-temporales de recursos tróficos y hábitat: evaluando sus consecuencias sobre el éxito reproductivo de las aves migratorias de pastizales
- Sofía Martín Sirito, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata – Reproductive behavior of birds in natural grasslands and modified environments in the Pampas
from North America:
- Lorainne Dargis, University of Northern Colorado – Does population density drive female singing behavior and breeding ecology of Canyon Wrens (Catherpes mexicanus)?
- Christopher Roelandt, University of Michigan-Flint – Using body-condition of the American Woodcock as an indicator of habitat quality
- Michael Rowley, Villanova University – Investigating cognitive impairment in hybrid chickadee social networks
- Aaron Skinner, The Ohio State University – Using GPS-tracking to fill knowledge gaps in the full annual cycle of an elusive aerial insectivore in steep decline
- Luke Wilde, University of South Carolina – Investigating the effects of spatiotemporal predation on the community ecology of the sub-Arctic nesting grounds
- Jacob Wessels, Arkansas State University – Cerulean Warbler habitat selection, breeding biology, survival, and movement in the Ozark region
from Latin America:
- Paulo Amorim, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil – Reconhecendo velhos amigos: o dueto do Joãode-Barro (Furnarius rufus) na discriminação vizinho-estranho e a ocorrência da vizinhança querida e desagradável
- Melanie Browne, Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral, Argentina – Effects of grazing on the reproductive success of threatened grassland birds in a key area for their conservation in NE Argentina.
- María Cecilia Estalles, Universidad de Buenos Aires – Study of the role of the sexual selection in the speciation process of three species of the genus Sporophila
- María José Rodríguez-Cajarville, Universidad de Buenos Aires – Dispersal ability, population evolution and conservation of micro-habitat specialist grassland birds
- Jennyfer Zuñiga Zavala, – Composition of avifauna and trophic dynamics of birds on beaches of the western Brazilian Amazon coast.
from North America:
- Ashley Hannah, University of Wisconsin–Madison – Characterizing fledgling survival, habitat use, and movement patterns in the Wisconsin population of Kirtland’s Warblers
- Mariah Maxwell, Towson University, Maryland – Do costs of incubation limit clutch size in the Mountain Bluebird?
- Marina Rodriguez, Colorado State University – The effect of calcium availability on longevity of nesting Tree Swallows
- Lilly Tidwell, East Carolina University – Seasonal adaptive adjustment of nestling provisioning strategy in a multiple-brooded passerine
- Evalynn Trumbo, University of Illinois – Post-fledging survival and habitat use of the Golden-cheeked Warbler
from Latin America:
- Macarena Felicitas Vazquez, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina – Linking variation in personality traits and parasitic behavior in an avian brood parasite
- Pablo Elías Muñoz Cambronero, Universidad de Costa Rica – Co-occurrence patterns and forest structure as factors mediating mixed-species flocks through social network analysis
- Julieta Mallet, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina – Evaluación de los servicios ecosistémicos provistos por el Carancho (Caracara plancus) en ambientes agrícolaganaderos del centro de Argentina
- Patricio David Reyes, Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de Zonas Aridas, Argentina – Cambios comportamentales en un ave paseriforme para sobrevivir a la antropización del ambiente: el Zorzal Chalchalero como modelo de estudio
- Ernesto Gustavo Verga, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina – Assessing effects of habitat amount on avian communities across local landscapes in the Chaco forest
from North America:
- Anna Buckardt, University of Maine – Using geolocator technology to understand Golden-winged Warbler migratory connectivity, habitat use, and overwinter-survival
- Rebecca Garlinger, Villanova University – Dominance and sociality: implications for a moving songbird hybrid zone
- Holly Garrod, Villanova University – Breeding biology and interactions of Hispaniolan todies
- Eamon Harrity, University of Idaho – Dispersal behavior of the Yuma Ridgway’s Rail
- Danielle Williams, The Pennsylvania State University – Effects of noise from shale gas compressors on breeding songbird behavior
from Latin America:
- Jorge Avendaño, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia – How do the same traits fix across distinct populations? An experimental evaluation of the role of social selection to explain phenotypic convergence in a Neotropical bird
- Lia Kajiki, University of Brasilia, Brazil – Natural history and conservation of the Helmeted Manakin (Antilophia galeata) in a cerrado biodiversity hotspot
- Aldana Lopez, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina – Individual variation in behavior and its relationship with reproductive success in Chilean Swallows (Tachycineta meyeni)
- Paula Orozco Valor, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina – Efectos de la intensificación agrícola sobre la demografía, dieta, cuidado parental y la salud de una rapaz típica de agroecosistemas, el halconcito colorado (Falco sparverius) en el centro de Argentina
- Juan Manuel Rojas Ripari, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina – Relaciones de parentesco y estructura genética intrapoblacional en un ave con cría cooperativa, el Músico (Agelaioides badius)
from North America:
- Elizabeth Ames, The Ohio State University – Filling in the gaps for full annual cycle conservation of the Prothonotary Warbler: phenology, post-fledging survival, and links to the winter grounds
- Lee Bryant, Arkansas State University – Is Louisiana Waterthrush fitness and multiscale habitat use altered by Eastern Hemlock decline in Great Smoky Mountains National Park?
- Clayton Delancey,
- Katie Schroeder,
- James Wright, The Ohio State University – Habitat use and migratory stopover ecology of the Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus)
from Latin America:
- Laura Céspedes Arias, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia – Differential introgression of signaling traits across an avian hybrid zone? Implications for speciation
- Ramiro Santiago Arrieta, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina – Evaluación de los determinantes comportamentales del sistema de apareamiento genético en dos especies de passeriformes del sur templado
- Paula Sabrina Garrido Coria, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina – Evaluación de la complejidad vocal de la ratona aperdizada: efectos en la defensa territorial y atracción de pareja
- Facundo Gabriel Di Sallo, Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino (IBIGEO-CONICET), Argentina – Factores que influyen en la selección de sitios de nidificación de las aves excavadoras del Chaco húmedo argentino: rol de la dureza de la madera
- Maria Milagros Jefferies, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina – Evaluación de las variables determinantes de la probabilidad de depredación de nidos de la Ratona Aperdizada (Cistothorus platensis) en una población del sur templado
from North America:
- Nikole Freeman, University of Guelph – Effects of the early life environment on physiology and fitness across life-history stages in a resident boreal passerine
- Jesse Holmes, University of Central Missouri – Establishing baseline temperature and humidity levels in Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) roosts to determine if there is a correlation between microclimate and roost habitat selection during the breeding season
- Todd Jones, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana – Examining the post-fledging period of migratory birds: do carryover effects from the nestling stage influence fledgling behavior and survival?
- Steven Sevillano, Cornell University – Seasonal variation and resource partitioning of a Polylepis bird community through and altitudinal gradient
- Christy Wails, University of New Brunswick – Movement, colony attendance, and behaviour of prospecting Least and Crested Auklets
from Latin America:
- Fernando Henrique Teófilo de Abreu, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Brazil – Influence of hemoparasites (Plasmodium) on plumage coloration in males and its implications on the mechanisms of female choice in Lepidothrix coronata
- Daniel Pascual Cáceres Apaza, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo & Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas, Argentina – Evaluation of factors that influence the social mating system in a population of Cistothorus platensis
- Emiliano Agustín Depino, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina – Vocal interactions between Laterallus melanophaius and L. leucophrys on the coast of the Rio de la Plata, Argentina
- Cristian Andrés Gorosito, Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica (CONICET-UNPSJB), Argentina – Determinants of reproductive success of Elaenia albiceps in the Andean forests of Patagonia
- Alejandro Alberto Schaaf, Universidad Nacional de Salta & Program of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development of the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina – Relationships among population parameters of cavity nesting birds in Piedmont forests of low forestry intensity in northwestern Argentina
from North America:
- Santiago David, University of British Columbia – Population and community-level niche conservatism in antbirds (Thamnophilidae) along a tropical elevational gradient
- Joseph Eisaguirre, Colorado College – Spatial variation of Golden Eagle diet, nest site productivity, and nest area landscape characteristics on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Katherine Freeman, Villanova University – Impacts of post-fledgling survival on reproductive success in an endangered and cooperatively breeding passerine
- Vitek Jirinec, College of William and Mary – Wood Thrush habitat use: implications for local distribution
- Nicholas Moy, Virginia Commonwealth University – Lateral export of algal bloom toxin from stream systems: Effects of microcystin on an insectivorous riparian songbird
from Latin America:
- Talita Vieira Braga, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil – Consequences of different modes of parental care for avian life histories
- David Vergara Tabares, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina – Effects of fleshy-fruited invasive plants on frugivorous passerine species: estimating a bird´s immunological and demographic patterns
- Sofía Zalazar, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina – Ecology and conservation of Bare-faced Curassow (Crax fasciolata) in riverine forests of northeastern Argentina
from North America:
- Rachael Derbyshire, University of Guelph – Examining the hoard-rot hypothesis in a boreal songbird: an experimental test of the food limitation assumption
- Evan Keleman, Villanova University – Singing behavior in Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) is consistent across contexts
- William Lewis, University of Southern Mississippi – Response of gut microbiota to the energetic demands of long-distance passerine migration
- Justin Proctor, Cornell University – Uncovering life history traits and conservation strategies for the Golden Swallow, Tachycineta euchrysea, a threatened and endemic passerine on Hispaniola
- Alex Wang, University of Hawaii – Source and sink or ecological trap? Using juvenile dispersal of an endangered Hawaiian bird to tell the difference
from Latin America:
- Eugenia Bianca Bonaparte, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina – Use and availability of nesting cavities for the Vinaceous Parrot (Amazona vinacea) in the Atlantic Forest of Argentina
- Milene Garbim Gaiotti, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil – Mating system of Antilophia bokermanni
- Emilio Ariel Jordan, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina – Phylogeny, biogeography, and evolution of behaviour in the Doraditos (Pseudocolopteryx spp.)
- Cynthia Alejandra Ursino, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina – Effects of brood parasitism on social dynamics of a cooperative breeding bird, the Bay-winged Cowbird (Agelaioides badius)
from North America:
- Alexandra M Anderson, Boise State University – Population response to climate change: does assortative mating facilitate earlier nesting?
- Lauren Deaner, Georgia Southern University – Sex role differences of resource use and parental care in Wilson’s Plovers
- Kirstin G Dillon, University of Arizona – Why is clutch size negatively correlated with elevation?
- Sara J. Miller, Arkansas State University – Use of video monitoring and long-term banding data to study nesting ecology of Red-shouldered Hawks in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Tina M. Morris, Appalachian State University – An experimental test of female mate choice based on personality
from Latin America:
- Ghislaine Cárdenas Posada, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia – Selección de pareja en Chiroxiphia pareola: Un acercamiento morfológico, comportamental y genómico. (Mate choice in the Blue-backed Manakin, Chiroxiphia pareola: A morphological, behavioral and genomic approach)
- Heideger Lima do Nascimento, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Using nest box cameras to elucidate the breeding biology of Gray-breasted Parakeets (Pyrrhura griseipectus): a critically endangered parakeet in the Americas
- Emily Jean Toriani Moura, Universidade do Vale do Rio Dos Sinos—Unisinos, Brazil – Nest site selection and parental care of Saffron-cowled Blackbirds (Xanthopsar flavus) in the high altitude grasslands of southern Brazil.
from North America:
- Sarah Cancellieri, Portland State University, An experimental investigation on nest reuse in an open-cup nesting passerine
- Rebecca I. Cooper, Arkansas State University, Development of a non-lethal method for measuring persistent organic pollutants in adipose tissue of migratory songbirds
- Brehan Furfey, Arkansas State University, Impacts of a major oil spill on Louisiana waterbirds in the Gulf of Mexico: identification of vital use areas and recommendations to enhance population recovery
- Chris Millow, San Diego State University, Black skimmers (Rynchops niger) in an urban landscape: contaminant impacts on reproductive success and foraging ecology in the San Diego Bay
- Morgan Niccoli, College of William and Mary, Effects of urban development on Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) juvenile survival and dispersal
- Joanna X. Wu, University of Hawaii, Seed dispersal ecology in endemic versus exotic birds in Hawai’i
from Latin America:
- Gloria Denise Augusto Castiglioni, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Vocalização como ferramenta para estudos da biologia reprodutiva da Murucututu de barriga amarela (Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana). (Vocalizations as a tool to study reproductive biology of the Tawny-browed Owl, Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana)
- Angélica María Hernández Palma, Universidad del Valle, Colombia – Estrategias de muda de las aves residentes en un bosque húmedo premontano del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. (Molting strategies of resident birds in a premontane humid forest in the Cauca Valley, Colombia)
- Maricel Grana Grilli, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina – Migration and carry-over effects on Antarctic Skuas
- Tatiana Straatmann, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, Brazil. An assessment of site-fidelity among three species of resident understory birds from the central Amazon
from North America:
- Leah Finity, Trent University – Habitat and diet as limiting factors for chimney swift (Chaetura pelagica) populations
- Katherine Goodenough, San Diego State University – Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica vanrossemi) Diet and Habitat Use of San Diego Bay Determined by VHF Radio Telemetry and Stable Isotope Analysis
- Sacha Heath, Humboldt State University – A bird-driven top-down trophic cascade in the context of riparian habitat restoration: does it exist and does it represent a “restoration service”?
- Hedwig Lankau, University of Alberta – The impacts of seismic lines on the territorial behaviour and community composition of Neo-tropical migrants in the boreal forest
- Kevin Oxenrider, Frostburg University – Habitat associations and nest site selection of Swamp Sparrows in western Maryland
from Latin America:
- Marcelo de Oliveira Barbosa, University of Tocantins, Brazil – Distribution, biology and status of conservation of the Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceous in Jalapão, Tocantins, Brazil
- Mariana Carro, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina – Natal dispersal in the Southern House Wren, Troglodytes musculus.
- Eduardo Martín, National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
- Natalie Sánchez, National University, Heredia, Costa Rica – Population parameters and space use of White-breasted Wood-wren (Henicorhina leucosticta) in lowland tropical forests, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica
- Rocio Sánchez, National University of Tucumán, Argentina.
coming soon
from North America:
- Kathrine A. Blake, Antioch University – Roseate (Sterna dougallii) and Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) use of staging sites during the post-breeding period throughout coastal Massachusetts
- Elena Grillo, Virginia Commonwealth University – Determination of the impact of avian and human pathogens on the breeding success of Prothonotary Warblers (Protonotaria citrea) in central Virginia
- Kelly Kellinger, College of William and Mary – Lifetime fitness of Tree Swallows exposed to aquatic mercury
- Kenneth Klapper, Antioch University – An investigation into the relationship between the decline of the Common Nighthawk and its nesting substrate in New Hampshire
- Rebecca Lohnes, Cornell University – Common Nighthawk breeding ecology and restoration
from Latin America:
- M. C. Sagario, ECODES (Grupo de Investigatiónen Ecología de Comunidades de Desierto / Desert Community Ecology Research Team) Universidad de Bueno Aires, Argentina – Territoriality of granivorous birds in the Central Monte Desert, Argentina
- Pía Simonetti, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina – Aves costeras marinas: Estudio de los efectos producidos por la contaminación ambiental
- Cristián G. Suazo, Estado y amenazas para la conservación de aves marinas al sur del frente subantártico; El caso del lose Procellariiformes residents y migrantes australes en el archipélago de Los Chonos, Patagonia Chilena. [Status and threats for the conservation of seabirds to the south of the sub Antarctic front: the case of the resident and austral migrant Procellariiformes in the Chonos Arhipelago, Chilean Patagonia]
from North America:
- Lauren Brudney, University of Minnesota – Piping Plover chick mortality: A contribution to Great Lakes population recovery
- Jennifer Mortensen, Villanova University – Conservation ecology and social organization of the endangered White-breasted Thrasher on St. Lucia, West Indies
- Alejandro Pietrek, University of Florida – Assessment of factors that influence distribution of threatened species in Araucaria forests of NE Argentina
- Stephen Agius, University of Maine – Can patterns of energetic condition explain difference in the productivity of Arctic and Common Terns (Sterna paradisese & S. hirundo) at Petit Manan Island?
from Latin America:
- Claudia Alejandra Lizaza Moreno, Universidad de Costa Rica – The effect of forest age on the ecology and energy intake of the Ocellated Antbird (Phaenostictus mcleannani), an obligate army-ant-following bird
- Nestor Damian Fariña, Parana Pine Forest Project-Misiones, Argentina – Anidación del loro vinoso (Amazona vinacea), una especie bandera del bosque Atlántico de Argentina.
- Mieko Ferreira Kaegae, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil – Habitat use and population size of endemic and threatened birds of Cerrado at the Ecologic Station of Itirapine, Sáo Paulo
from North America:
- Nathan Marcy – Sampling bird populations to assist a cloud forest restoration project in Costa Rica
- Lena Usky – The ecology of LeConte’s Sparrows and other grassland birds at Munuscong Bay
- Ana Gabela – Site fidelity and human impact on the Medium Ground Finch (Geospiza foris) on Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands
- Megan Philips – The foraging ecology and breeding biology of the endemic Yucatan Woodpecker, Melanerpes pygmaeus, in Quintana Roo, Mexico
- Jason Hill – Estimating the demographic consequences of wetland rragmentation: Movement and survival patterns in a threatened salt marsh bird
from Latin America:
- María Cecilia Sagario – Breeding territoriality of granivorous birds in the Central Monte Desert, Argentina
- Juan Alejandro Morales Betancourt – Fruit consumption By four manakin species (Aves: Pipridae) in a native reforestation at the Colombian Central Andes
- Mieko Ferreira Kanegae – Habitat use, home range and population study of Melanopareia torquata (Birds: Melanoareiidae) in the Ecologic Station of Itirapina, Sáo Paulo
from North America:
- Lisa Ferguson, Clemson University – Reproductive ecology of Brown Pelicans along the Southern Caroline Coast in relation to ectoparasite infestation
- Kathryn Langin, Queen’s University – Linking fall migratory events with breeding latitude and reproductive effort in a migratory songbird
- Karan Odom, Ohio Wesleyan – A test For differences between vocalizations of wild-reared and human-reared birds of prey: Is learning involved in call development of owls, eagles, and ospreys?
- Jason Townsend, Binghampton University – The overwinter ecology of the Bicknell’s Thrush: Differential habitat occupancy and territoriality on Hispaniola
- Adrian Wolf, The Evergreen State College – Bird use of epiphytic resources in old-growth coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest
from Latin America:
- Jorge A. Posada, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Natural history and habitat use by two species of threatened tanagers in the western Andes
- Paul E. Oviedo, San Jose, Costa Rica – Effects of tourism on bird density and diversity in Braulio Carrillo Rain Forest National Park, Costa Rica
- Alexandre Uezu, Instituto de Pesquisas, Sao Paulo, Brail – Conservation of five indicator birds in a fragmented landscape of Atlantic forest ‘Pontal Do Paranapanema’
from North America:
- Timothy Brillo, University of Washington – Vocal function and variation in a Suboscine hybrid zone with shifted clines
- Jeanne Hammond, Humboldt State – Nest predators and predation risk: Is an introduced predators, the black rat, limiting songbird breeding productivity?
- Jennifer McNicholl, New Mexico State University – Burrowing Owl nest site selection in relation to prairie dog colony characteristics and surrounding land-use practices
- Kim Mendres Mendillo, Rutgers University – Human activity and its relationship to behavior, stress hormone levels, and hatching success in Least Terns
- Vanessa Pompei, University of Minnesota – Migration stopover sites used by Great Lakes Piping Plovers
- Kelly Williams-Sieg, Buzzards Roost Nature Preserve, Chillicothe, OH – The birds of Buzzards Roost: An integrated monitoring program
from Latin America:
- Adan Oliveras de Ita, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Morelia, Mexico – Genetic structure and distribution of the Sierra Madre Sparrow (Xenospiza baileyi): a species in danger of extinction
- Miguel A. Acevedo. University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico – Comparing novel methods of digital recordings with traditional point-count surveys for rapid assessment of bird communities
- Alejandro Bodrati, Fundación de Historia Natural Felix de Azara, Buenos Aires, Argentina – Status and natural history of birds in the Parana Pine forest district, Misiones, Argentina
from North America:
- Jill Jankowski, Purdue University – Beta diversity and endemism: Implications for tropical reserve design
- Joshua E. LeClere, College of William and Mary – Fluctuating asymmetry in golf course birds: Evidence of development stress from pesticides
- Scott Rush, York University – The effects of forest fragmentation on the post-fledging dispersal and survival of a forest songbird
- Sara Ress, University of Arkansas – Use of stable hydrogen isotopes to identify and assess yearly variation of natal origins among raptors migrating through the Florida Keys
- Scott Wilson, University of British Columbia – Spatial population dynamics of island Song Sparrows
- Tracy Walker, Iowa State University – Response of grassland songbirds to management practices in native prairies of the Loess Hills, Iowa
from Latin America:
- Octavio Cruz, Pronatura Veracruz, Veracruz, MX – Educational bird banding station in the Alvarado Wetlands, Veracruz
- Cristian E. Olivo, La Paz, Bolivia – Monitoring for conservation of migratory raptors in eastern lowland Bolivia
- Jean Mattos-Reano, Museo de Historia Natural, Lima, Peru – Research of the population status of Otis koepckeae in the Zarate Forest of Lima, Peru
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
from North America:
- Sarah C. Huhta, University of Tulsa
- Jessica Kerns, Ball State University
- Laura Stenzler, Cornell University
- Karl Dehart, Boise State University
- Andrew M. Stoehr, Auburn University
- Stefan Woltman, University of Southern Mississippi
from Latin America:
- Cristian F. Estades
- Ursula Valdez
- Roman Diaz